Once a healer. always a healer. Once enlightened, always.
As I look back upon my activities of 2009, I am blessed to have the gift of healing back in my hands, to have the spirit of love in my heart to share, to have the understanding in my mind that it is best to forgive, even though forgetting takes work.
Today is the last new moon of 2009. Reflect upon your victories and triumphs, forget the rest. And then celebrate the start of a new moon, a new year, a new birth!
May 2010 bring your heart all that you desire.
With One Heart,
Pranic Healing Teachers: Connect, Share, Inspire!
My blog will allow the teaching community of pranic healing to stay in touch, all over the globe.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
So Many Lonely People!

I am suddenly bombarded by requests to heal people. Like I was hibernating, and have suddenly awakened to this spring of people needing healing. And the healer in me really wants to respond... but I'm being cautious.
So I'm gently sending them healing and pink light and love, nothing major because of the promise I made to my husband to stop healing. Just gentle healing and wellness.
And it feels great! I hope I can help them and make them feel better.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Love: Food for the Soul!

—Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

Maybe he is saying, as a healer, I will become One with God, and then what does it matter who I am married to? If we are all One, we are all married? Sounds rather like an orgy, but I will keep going with my theories...
Maybe he means love deeply and not ask for anything back... Now, I am the Queen of doing that, that is why my marriage is in the mess it is in, and all the men I meet fall in love with me...

Thank you, Master! I'll keep reading between the lines and keep guessing...
Blessings be to all the beloveds of the world, all the lonely people searching for love, all the broken hearts... We are all One!

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui,
The Beloved
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Inner Beauty vs Outer Beauty
Today Master says to me:
"Inner Beauty is more important than external beauty."
I agree with Master 100%. As I told my dearest friend last week, as I went with her to the plastic surgeon's office, just meditate, stay happy, and you will look 10 years younger... She of course, thinks that is nonsense, and proceeded to take out her cheque book, spend a large amount of money, and got a new face...
But what about a new soul? She always finds the glass half empty, and always sees the dark clouds behind the rainshower. Won't the wrinkles and frown and discontented look come back sooner rather than later?
And me. As I dressed last night to go out dancing with my husband, I found my face glowing with youth and beauty! I have never used as little make up as I did last night to go to a night club... Because the inner beauty is shining through. Because my dependance on cosmetics is getting less. Because God's light surrounds me.
Inner Beauty. Vital, yes! But, also for us mortals, External Beauty is important. Whether it be lipstick and kaajal, pranic facelifts, attitudinal changes, or expensive trips to the plastic surgeon... most of us care how we look on the outside.
Your choice on the make up of choice. Make Up or Glowing Aura. Medication or Meditation.
What do you think???
"Inner Beauty is more important than external beauty."
I agree with Master 100%. As I told my dearest friend last week, as I went with her to the plastic surgeon's office, just meditate, stay happy, and you will look 10 years younger... She of course, thinks that is nonsense, and proceeded to take out her cheque book, spend a large amount of money, and got a new face...
But what about a new soul? She always finds the glass half empty, and always sees the dark clouds behind the rainshower. Won't the wrinkles and frown and discontented look come back sooner rather than later?
And me. As I dressed last night to go out dancing with my husband, I found my face glowing with youth and beauty! I have never used as little make up as I did last night to go to a night club... Because the inner beauty is shining through. Because my dependance on cosmetics is getting less. Because God's light surrounds me.
Inner Beauty. Vital, yes! But, also for us mortals, External Beauty is important. Whether it be lipstick and kaajal, pranic facelifts, attitudinal changes, or expensive trips to the plastic surgeon... most of us care how we look on the outside.
Your choice on the make up of choice. Make Up or Glowing Aura. Medication or Meditation.
What do you think???
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My Passions in Healing...
Dear fellow pranic healers,
Do you have a passion for healing some particular kind of ailment? Or people? I know, as senior healers and meditators, we heal all those we come in contact with... but everyone has favourites... Like my yoga teacher's passion is the back. And with his blend of meditative yoga, he is able to manage and heal back pain 100%.
My two passions are depression and sports healing. I can spot these two a kilometer away and just get drawn to these kinds of people. Like I cannot help but talk with the most depressed people or the most undepressed (sportstars and athletes). One deplete me and the other energise me. And I feel this is the perfect balance...
Who do you like to heal? Write in and share with me... I am all yours!

Do you have a passion for healing some particular kind of ailment? Or people? I know, as senior healers and meditators, we heal all those we come in contact with... but everyone has favourites... Like my yoga teacher's passion is the back. And with his blend of meditative yoga, he is able to manage and heal back pain 100%.

Who do you like to heal? Write in and share with me... I am all yours!

My Top Five Reasons To Be In Pranic Healing!
1. when I heal, I forget my pain
2. I love the magic of people feeling better
3. I love the love and blessings they send me (do not accept money)
4. I love the science behind it... as a techie, I also needed the hard core understanding
5. Love the understanding I have of chakras, disease, food, yoga, ayurveda... basically I understand disease, its psychological roots, and then, how to cure it.
What are your top five reasons?
2. I love the magic of people feeling better
3. I love the love and blessings they send me (do not accept money)
4. I love the science behind it... as a techie, I also needed the hard core understanding
5. Love the understanding I have of chakras, disease, food, yoga, ayurveda... basically I understand disease, its psychological roots, and then, how to cure it.
What are your top five reasons?
Sunday, August 26, 2007
A Day In Life: My Teaching Journey...
Dear Fellow Pranic Healers and Friends:
Sat/Sun 25/26 August Weekend: I had blocked this weekend to assist in the Basic Pranic Healing Course at the PHFD. Sadly, Sat 25 came and went, and my feet were not moving me to the Shanti Niketan area! Like I had dveloped amnesia or "drivers" block... So I missed interacting and assisting Rahul Kohli, one of the best teachers Pranic Healing India has! My loss, definitely. These days whenever something happens, that I cannot understand, I open to that page of my GMCKS calendar... so that is what I did!
Day 25
The Spiritual Path is more complicated than the Amazon. The Guru has already been through the "forest". Follow the guidance of the Teacher to avoid getting hurt.
Cool! Okay, Master!
So when Sun 26 came, and my list of to-do items loomed long and large at me, I decided to ignore all the to-do list items! I went straight to the PHFD. At the worst, I would "waste" time until lunch and then attack my to-do items of L-I-F-E....
I walked into the Shanti Niketan PHFD at 9:45 am. Like a beacon of white, Vishnu was chatting with his class, Mr Puri was bustling around like a proud mother hen... There were 10 new basic healers in training... I smiled at everyone and sat down, expecting to yawn through the morning... after all, what could I, an experienced (?!!!) pranic healer learn from all these people???
5:45 pm. Where did my Sunday go? Laughing, Learning & Teaching. Playing, Being Devotional, Respectful to the Guru (Vishnu, in this case). Learning? Most Definitely! It is in giving we receive. Hundreds of times, when I am learning this lesson, it's as if I can see Master laughing... With me, not at me. Laughing to encourage me to stay true. To Stay the Path. Or as Vishnu said a hundred times: "Follow The Simple Instructions"...
So true. Master has already given us the priceless gems. It is up to us to treat them like gems or throw them about like worthless rocks. So I looked at my calendar to see what Master was telling me...
Day 26
Dirty food dirties only your body, but dirty words dirty your Soul! Spiritual development is dependent upon inner Purification or character building.
How does He know? Does He really watch over all of us? I am amazed at His Grace.
Have a joy filled week!
One of my favourite hymns... I love singing this one! Enjoy...
1. Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
was blind, but now I see.
2. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
and grace my fears relieved;
how precious did that grace appear
the hour I first believed.
3. Through many dangers, toils, and snares,
I have already come;
'tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
and grace will lead me home.
4. The Lord has promised good to me,
his word my hope secures;
he will my shield and portion be,
as long as life endures.
5. Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
and mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess, within the veil,
a life of joy and peace.
6. When we've been there ten thousand years,
bright shining as the sun,
we've no less days to sing God's praise
than when we first begun.

Day 25
The Spiritual Path is more complicated than the Amazon. The Guru has already been through the "forest". Follow the guidance of the Teacher to avoid getting hurt.
Cool! Okay, Master!

So when Sun 26 came, and my list of to-do items loomed long and large at me, I decided to ignore all the to-do list items! I went straight to the PHFD. At the worst, I would "waste" time until lunch and then attack my to-do items of L-I-F-E....
I walked into the Shanti Niketan PHFD at 9:45 am. Like a beacon of white, Vishnu was chatting with his class, Mr Puri was bustling around like a proud mother hen... There were 10 new basic healers in training... I smiled at everyone and sat down, expecting to yawn through the morning... after all, what could I, an experienced (?!!!) pranic healer learn from all these people???
5:45 pm. Where did my Sunday go? Laughing, Learning & Teaching. Playing, Being Devotional, Respectful to the Guru (Vishnu, in this case). Learning? Most Definitely! It is in giving we receive. Hundreds of times, when I am learning this lesson, it's as if I can see Master laughing... With me, not at me. Laughing to encourage me to stay true. To Stay the Path. Or as Vishnu said a hundred times: "Follow The Simple Instructions"...

Day 26
Dirty food dirties only your body, but dirty words dirty your Soul! Spiritual development is dependent upon inner Purification or character building.
How does He know? Does He really watch over all of us? I am amazed at His Grace.

Have a joy filled week!
One of my favourite hymns... I love singing this one! Enjoy...
1. Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
was blind, but now I see.
2. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
and grace my fears relieved;
how precious did that grace appear
the hour I first believed.
3. Through many dangers, toils, and snares,
I have already come;
'tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
and grace will lead me home.
4. The Lord has promised good to me,
his word my hope secures;
he will my shield and portion be,
as long as life endures.
5. Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
and mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess, within the veil,
a life of joy and peace.
6. When we've been there ten thousand years,
bright shining as the sun,
we've no less days to sing God's praise
than when we first begun.
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