Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Love: Food for the Soul!

"Love is the food that will make your Soul grow. By Loving deeply, you may become One with your beloved and One with all."
—Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

Maybe what he is telling me this morning is that it is okay to fall in love with someone else and that will make my marriage stronger?? I don't get it, but this Master keeps me on my toes as I struggle to read between the lines...

Maybe he is saying, as a healer, I will become One with God, and then what does it matter who I am married to? If we are all One, we are all married? Sounds rather like an orgy, but I will keep going with my theories...

Maybe he means love deeply and not ask for anything back... Now, I am the Queen of doing that, that is why my marriage is in the mess it is in, and all the men I meet fall in love with me...

Thank you, Master! I'll keep reading between the lines and keep guessing...

Blessings be to all the beloveds of the world, all the lonely people searching for love, all the broken hearts... We are all One!


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Inner Beauty vs Outer Beauty

Today Master says to me:
"Inner Beauty is more important than external beauty."

I agree with Master 100%. As I told my dearest friend last week, as I went with her to the plastic surgeon's office, just meditate, stay happy, and you will look 10 years younger... She of course, thinks that is nonsense, and proceeded to take out her cheque book, spend a large amount of money, and got a new face...

But what about a new soul? She always finds the glass half empty, and always sees the dark clouds behind the rainshower. Won't the wrinkles and frown and discontented look come back sooner rather than later?

And me. As I dressed last night to go out dancing with my husband, I found my face glowing with youth and beauty! I have never used as little make up as I did last night to go to a night club... Because the inner beauty is shining through. Because my dependance on cosmetics is getting less. Because God's light surrounds me.

Inner Beauty. Vital, yes! But, also for us mortals, External Beauty is important. Whether it be lipstick and kaajal, pranic facelifts, attitudinal changes, or expensive trips to the plastic surgeon... most of us care how we look on the outside.

Your choice on the make up of choice. Make Up or Glowing Aura. Medication or Meditation.

What do you think???


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My Passions in Healing...

Dear fellow pranic healers,

Do you have a passion for healing some particular kind of ailment? Or people? I know, as senior healers and meditators, we heal all those we come in contact with... but everyone has favourites... Like my yoga teacher's passion is the back. And with his blend of meditative yoga, he is able to manage and heal back pain 100%.

My two passions are depression and sports healing. I can spot these two a kilometer away and just get drawn to these kinds of people. Like I cannot help but talk with the most depressed people or the most undepressed (sportstars and athletes). One deplete me and the other energise me. And I feel this is the perfect balance...

Who do you like to heal? Write in and share with me... I am all yours!


My Top Five Reasons To Be In Pranic Healing!

1. when I heal, I forget my pain
2. I love the magic of people feeling better
3. I love the love and blessings they send me (do not accept money)
4. I love the science behind it... as a techie, I also needed the hard core understanding
5. Love the understanding I have of chakras, disease, food, yoga, ayurveda... basically I understand disease, its psychological roots, and then, how to cure it.

What are your top five reasons?


Sunday, August 26, 2007

A Day In Life: My Teaching Journey...

Dear Fellow Pranic Healers and Friends:

Sat/Sun 25/26 August Weekend:  I had blocked this weekend to assist in the Basic Pranic Healing Course at the PHFD.  Sadly, Sat 25 came and went, and my feet were not moving me to the Shanti Niketan area!  Like I had dveloped amnesia or "drivers" block... So I missed interacting and assisting Rahul Kohli, one of the best teachers Pranic Healing India has!  My loss, definitely.  These days whenever something happens, that I cannot understand, I open to that page of my GMCKS calendar... so that is what I did!

Day 25
The Spiritual Path is more complicated than the Amazon.  The Guru has already been through the "forest".  Follow the guidance of the Teacher to avoid getting hurt.

Cool!  Okay, Master!

So when Sun 26 came, and my list of to-do items loomed long and large at me, I decided to ignore all the to-do list items!  I went straight to the PHFD.  At the worst, I would "waste" time until lunch and then attack my to-do items of L-I-F-E....

I walked into the Shanti Niketan PHFD at 9:45 am.  Like a beacon of white, Vishnu was chatting with his class, Mr Puri was bustling around like a proud mother hen...  There were 10 new basic healers in training...  I smiled at everyone and sat down, expecting to yawn through the morning...  after all, what could I, an experienced (?!!!) pranic healer learn from all these people???

5:45 pm.  Where did my Sunday go?  Laughing, Learning & Teaching.  Playing, Being Devotional, Respectful to the Guru (Vishnu, in this case).  Learning?  Most Definitely!  It is in giving we receive.  Hundreds of times, when I am learning this lesson, it's as if I can see Master laughing...  With me, not at me.  Laughing to encourage me to stay true.  To Stay the Path.  Or as Vishnu said a hundred times: "Follow The Simple Instructions"...

So true.  Master has already given us the priceless gems.  It is up to us to treat them like gems or throw them about like worthless rocks.  So I looked at my calendar to see what Master was telling me...

Day 26
Dirty food dirties only your body, but dirty words dirty your Soul!  Spiritual development is dependent upon inner Purification or character building.

How does He know?  Does He really watch over all of us?  I am amazed at His Grace.  

Have a joy filled week!


One of my favourite hymns...  I love singing this one!  Enjoy...

1. Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
was blind, but now I see.

2. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
and grace my fears relieved;
how precious did that grace appear
the hour I first believed.

3. Through many dangers, toils, and snares,
I have already come;
'tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
and grace will lead me home.

4. The Lord has promised good to me,
his word my hope secures;
he will my shield and portion be,
as long as life endures.

5. Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
and mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess, within the veil,
a life of joy and peace.

6. When we've been there ten thousand years,
bright shining as the sun,
we've no less days to sing God's praise
than when we first begun. 

Friday, August 24, 2007

Sadhguru/Isha Yoga experience: A Deception?

As I move along the spiritual path with Master, I sometimes stray to smell the roses along the way. Yesterday, on the urging of another friend, I decided to go for the inauguration of an Isha Yoga centre in Mehrauli, and also to check out this new spiritual master I hear a lot about.

It was like being in Hell for 2 hours! Now, I am all for free choice, meditations of many different paths, and all that. But this yogi, and that is what he was, was just a tantric awakening the basic and sex chakra of the 400 odd people who had come...

There was no love there. Just money. There was no feeling of welcoming. Just hostility. No heart chakra or crown chakra. Just lower basic chakras.

As I sat there, right in front, as I had gone to check out and understand the magic behind Isha, I came to a sad realisation. People think of spirituality like this. People come to religous discourses just to have their kundalini energies awakened, and all they can think about bliss is when the energy reaches the sex chakra... I felt so sad, and my heart was filled with healing and love for all these people...

So, I am not condemning Isha Yoga, Sadhguru, or his message. I just believe that if you become a true tantric yogi, and you can play with energy, like he was obviously doing, why not use it for love, or healing?

And then the answer came to me. Crystal Clear. All Masters are not Equal. Just like Master Choa is love itself, some Masters are not.

Thank you, Master! And today in my GMKS calendar, he is saying:
"The Spiritual Path is more complicated than the Amazon. The Guru has already been through the "forest". Follow the guidance of the Teacher to avoid getting hurt."

Like he is talking just to me this morning as I struggle to bless Sadhguru and Isha Yoga.

Like he is sitting right by my shoulder.

Pure Guru. Pure Love. Pure Bliss!

Monday, August 20, 2007

After the Storm, The Stillness...

"After the storm, comes the stillness. After the heavy rain, there is growth. After the unpleasant changes, there will be Greater Activity, Greater Success."—Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, Founder of Pranic Healing

I have been in Vipassana meditation for the last 4 days. For a description on Vipassana, check out its definition from the Great Wikipedia at the end of this post. Now it is not really possible to do real Vipassana in a family life setting. I should retreat to an ashram, lick my wounds in private, and take the vow of Noble Silence for 10 days! Try doing that in my home with my energy healing constancy, 4 children, a dog... a wounded and fragile husband.... and you'll know my kind of vipassana is modified for JSpirit. Basically I am talking only to those people who heal me, and not talking to those who drain me. This allows me the energy to look within and see how I want to heal. Because I am extremely fragile after the events of last week (sexual abuse etc., against my son, my husband trying to take away all the things that keep me happy, my 11 year old's 2 days of swimming competitions at an inter school level, etc.....).

So, right now, I am back to 80% of my functioning. I can finally smile through the tears. Or see the sun through the rain. Or be extremely dangerous to my enemies.... As they see me wounded and fragile, they are trying to strike me down. I smile as I plot my next move. Like a wrestler completely "in the zone", I enjoy playing with their minds....

Or maybe I am a "heart" person, a "love" person, a "Ray 2" type person.... the kind of person they do not expect to see in a wrestling match. The kind of person who uses love to win battles...

Bring it on, Principal! Here's to our next meeting on Thursday...


PS: Why don't you all place bets or wagers on what is going to happen? Who is going to win? The school Principal or me? Silence or Debate? The betting is open!!

PPS: Vipassana
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vipassanā (Pāli) or vipaśyanā (Sanskrit) means "insight" and is often referred to by Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike as simply "insight meditation". While it is a type of Buddhist meditation as taught by the Buddha, it is essentially non-sectarian in character and has universal application. One need not convert to Buddhism to practice vipassanā meditation. While the meditation practices themselves vary from school to school, the underlying principle is the investigation of phenomena as they manifest in the four Foundations of Mindfulness highlighted in the Satipatthana sutta; namely: Kaya - Body (or breath), Vedana feeling, Citta - Mind, and dhamma - Mind objects. It should here be noted as those factors differ from the Khandas - aggregates - in the sense that the Citta factor is not connected to any aggregate being in fact the basic mood of the Mind-Body aggregate, and the dhamma factor encompasses all mind objects thus including the Vinnana, Sanna and Sankhara aggregate but also all mind objects that are not a fruit of kamma like, for example, the Four Noble Truths themselves.
In a broader sense, vipassanā has been used as one of two poles for the categorization of types of Buddhist meditation, the other being samatha (Pāli) or śamatha (Sanskrit). Samatha is a focusing, pacifying and calming meditation, common to many traditions in the world, notably yoga. It is used as a preparation for vipassanā, pacifying the mind and strengthening the concentration in order to allow the work of insight. This dichotomy is also sometimes discussed as "stopping and seeing." In Buddhist practice, it is said that while samatha can calm the mind, only insight can reveal how the mind was disturbed to start with, which leads to prajñā (Pāli: paññā, knowledge) and jñāna (Pāli: ñāṇa, wisdom) and thus understanding, preventing it from being disturbed again.
The term is also used to refer to the Buddhist Vipassana movement modeled after Theravāda Buddhism which employs Vipassanā and ānāpāna meditation as its primary techniques and places emphasis on the teachings of the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta. Vedanā (sensation/feeling) is the primary initial subject of investigation.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Master Stephen in Delhi...

What can I say? Dynamic, Inspirational, Wise! It was a lovely evening last week on August 14 when Charlotte and Stephen shared some of their thoughts with us on the eve of Master's Birthday celebrations... wish I was going to Tirupati!

Master Stephen talked about how as we progress as a teacher, our karmas get accelerated and magnified, and how we can deal with all that, in keeping with the fact that we live in a family... and not an ashram! Very enlightening and relevant, in view of the fact that I had just completed the TTC and am preparing to embark on a teaching career as soon as I can finish 6 courses!

Charlotte Anderson was full of love and respect for Master Choa. She embodied the grace and love a companion should have and talked about remembering Master or God constantly. The constant connection. Not just when we need something, but constant. And she talked of how we need to be aware of this and ask Master constantly to bless us, our work, etc.—nothing is too trivial!

A huge turnout, mostly of senior people, and all in all, a lovely evening!

Master Choa, please keep sending more such evenings our way in Delhi!

Love, respect and gratitude,

Friday, August 10, 2007

Be Joyful & Manifest Happiness!

Imagine a time where you were filled with joy. So happy, so pink, so in touch with the beauty and divinity within. Maybe a friend came, or a beloved called.

A situation is the cause, and you feel happy; i.e., happiness is the effect. The coming of the beloved is the cause.

Religion (from Osho) says: Be happy and the beloved comes. Create the effect and the cause follows.

And this is my experience as well. Just be happy, gracious and receptive, and everything follows!

Imagine Lord Krishna playing with the gopis, as he was pure love, and had boundless amounts of it... imagine a petulant Radha feeling jealous and upset... She was human, we say... but did she get Krishna in the end? No, she did not! Maybe it was her jealousy, her insecurity that destroyed their perfect, innocent, childlike wonder filled love?

Energy. Tantra. More powerful than any drug! Master Choa Kok Sui also says that if we make changes in the energy body, the changes are bound to come in the physical body as well. This is the simple and universal Law of Attraction.

So, for all you lonely souls out there, my message for you this morning is this: be happy and the beloved comes!

Sunday, August 5, 2007


Okay, so Rahul Kohli's sms message to me gave me a ray of hope in my otherwise bleak teaching apprentice world yesterday... He's asked me to come and watch and learn when he teaches... and as he teaches in Shanti Niketan, next door to me, the Universe is conspiring to help me!

Watch this space...

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Is It Right To Run A Spiritual Center Like A Business?

I am in a dilemna... I am part of a spiritual community of pranic healers. See the official site http://www.pranichealing.org.in/ for more information if you are saying pranic healing, huh?

Pranic healers are "supposed" to be full of loving kindness and compassion. They are supposed to focus on the giving, with no thought on the outcome or the receiving... I try, every day, in little ways to do that and spread love and healing and giving of myself in a positive, life affirming way.

But what about the healers who lead chapters? Is it so difficult for them to stop running spirituality like a business? What of all the politics and back biting? Where's the collaboration? Where's the loving kindness?!

I have been a business woman. I understand there are costs to running a centre. I understand it takes years, money and commitment. But to alienate new pranic healers and prospective teachers is a dangerous game. There've got be better ways of managing the flow of students, the flow of income, etc.

I want to help, to heal, to teach, to do free service, but they will not let me! They say all kinds of limiting things, like I have to contribute 2 students if I want to even come and attend one of their classes, I am an teacher apprentice right now... Or they hem and haw, but do not actually allow me to come and observe a workshop. And I need to observe 6 workshops before I can start conducting workshops, so I really do not undertand this, but I am praying for Divine Guidance!

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, please help!

A Conundrum!

I am faced with a conundrum. How to complete 6 basic workshops attendance before I can start teaching? It's like if they had mentioned this, maybe half of us would not have done the TTC, because there are so many conditions each chapter puts up before they are willing to let us come and observe...

One person asks me to contribute 2 people. Another says that no more than 2 apprentices can watch any given course... How are the 21 of us to complete our certification, then? HELP!!!

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

Master Choa Kok Sui is the world's foremost proponent and practitioner of Pranic Healing who introduced Meditation on Twin Hearts for Peace and Illumination. A Filipino scientist and engineer of Chinese descent, he was the Grand Master of Pranic Healing. Master Choa passed away earlier this year, leaving behind a beautiful legacy of teachings and healings.

He has spent over 20 years studying exoteric and esoteric principles, methods of healing and meditations, continuously experimenting and validating their efficacy. Master Choa Kok Sui has worked directly with eminent healers and teachers across Asia. With the guidance of his teachers especially Mahaguruji Mei Ling, he was able to synthesise the healing and meditational arts into practical sciences, and open the doors to what were once considered mystic secrets.

"The role of the Guru is like that of a transformer.
The Guru brings down High Spiritual Energy to the level your subtle bodies can handle."
- Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

Courses available at JSpirit

Basic Pranic Healing

In the Fundamentals of Pranic Healing, you learn the basics of working with your energy aura, including learning to "scan," or feel the energy, to "sweep," or clean away congested energy, and to "energize," or supplement areas in your aura that have a pranic deficiency.

Pranic Healing has been taught to doctors, nurses, massage therapists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, shiatsu practitioners, and many others in the healing field. It has allowed them to heal confidently and consistently in the shortest learning time possible.

Pranic Healing has also been taught to people like you and me: not just medical professionals. I use Pranic Healing to heal my family and loved ones, in my career, in my yoga practice, and as a spiritual guide for higher learnings.

Come experience the magic of prana, or "ki", with me, Jhilmil Breckenridge!

Courses available currently at Shanti Niketan or at my home or your home or office.
Rs. 7,500 per participant (includes a starter healing kit, a book on Basic Pranic Healing called The Miracles of Pranic Healing by Master Choa Kok Sui, and a book on basic Anatomy). 16 hour course spread over 4 half days. Group discounts or corporate discounts available.

Weight Loss Program

Exercise and the Zone DietGlenn Mendoza, M.D. and David Schreck, B.S. The Center for Pranic Healing, USA

Weight Loss is a billion dollar industry ranging from fad diets to designer fitness programs and products. The overabundance of information fills a simple need: the desire to loss weight. It is well understood that there is no quick fix, one-diet-fits-all or easy way to loss weight but the search for a more comprehensive, user-friendly and effective program continues.

A 6-week Weight Loss Program was designed to evaluate the effect of combined application of Pranic Healing, Exercise and Diet. The purpose of this Healing-Exercise-Diet Program was to focus healthy ways to promote and achieve wellness, good nutrition and a healthy and happy life.

It was done twice a week. Pranic Healing was applied that included Meditation on Twin Hearts, affirmations and application of Pranic Psychotherapy and advanced color pranas on certain chakras and organs and Kriyashakti techniques. Simple Physical Exercises for at least 30 minutes daily were incorporated to assist in building fitness activities. We incorporated the 5 Tibetan Exercises performed twice a day into the program. There were no limits on age and abilities as these exercises were adapted to the subjects' constitutional make-up. The Zone Diet designed by Dr. Barry Sears was adapted as the nutritional rogram.

There appears to have a positive relationship with the combined use of Pranic Healing, Exercise and Zone Diet in achieving weight loss. Subjects were evaluated weekly for six weeks on the following parameters weight, height, waist, hips, waist-to-hip ratio, BMI (body muscle index) and essential blood studies. Group sessions

Source materials for all MCKS Pranic Healing protocols are exclusively from the following books by Master Choa Kok Sui:
Miracles Through Pranic Healing, Advanced Pranic Healing, Pranic Psychotherapy and Pranic Crystal Healing.

Hair Fall & Baldness

This treatment is preferably applied after washing the hair with room temperature water and mild shampoo.

Pranic Healing Protocol for Hair Fall & Baldness:

1. Invoke and scan before, during and after treatment.

2. General sweeping.

3. Localized thorough sweeping and energizing on the crown, ajna, forehead, back head and throat chakras with LEV.

4. Localized thorough sweeping on the entire head and neck alternately with LWG and ordinary LWV. Energize the scalp with LWR(95%) then with gold (5%).

5. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back heart chakra. Energize the heart chakra through the back heart chakra with LWG then with more of ordinary LWV.

6. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back solar plexus chakra with EV. Energize the solar plexus chakra with EV. If the solar plexus is overactivated, inhibit it with LB.

7. Localized thorough sweeping on the navel, sex, meng mein and basic chakras. Energize the navel, sex and basic chakras with LWR.

8. Rescan the major chakras. Reapply treatment until all the chakras are clean and balanced.

NOTE: The meng mein chakra should be only 1/2 to 2/3 the size of the other major chakras.

9. Stabilize and release projected pranic energy.

10. Repeat treatment 3 times per week.

For patient:

11. Keep your hair clean. Gently wash hair with mild shampoo and room temperature water, never with warm or hot water. During warm weather, wash your hair 4 to 7 times per week. During cool weather, wash hair at least 4 times per week to avoid build up of disease causing scalp oil and dead skin.

12. Eat nutritionally balanced healthy diet. Consult your physician for recommendations for vitamin and mineral supplements for your particular needs.

13. Practice the Meditation on Twin Hearts regularly to relieve stress and raise the energy level.

14. Regular physical exercise to build up the physical and energy bodies and relieve stress.

Source materials for all MCKS Pranic Healing protocols are exclusively from the following books by Master Choa Kok Sui:
Miracles Through Pranic Healing, Advanced Pranic Healing, Pranic Psychotherapy and Pranic Crystal Healing.

Pranic Facial Lift Protocol

Pranic Facial Uplift

Pranic facial protocol is intended for rejuvenating the facial skin and muscles which may be unevenly pigmented with enlarged pores, wrinkled or sagging due to aging and stress. Although stress may aggravate pimples and oily skin, other factors such as heredity, diet, hormone levels, birth control pills, cosmetics used, humidity and hot weather have to be considered.

Pranic Healing Protocol for a Facial Uplift:

1. Wash the face with mild soap and water. Rinse well. Pat dry with clean soft towel.

2. Invoke and scan before, during and after treatment.

3. General sweeping twice.

4. Localized thorough sweeping on the entire face with emphasis on the affected parts using LWG.

5. Energize the affected parts with LWG, LWB the ordinary LWV.

6. Localized thorough sweeping on the ajna chakra, throat chakra, and jaw minor chakra. Energize with a little LWG then with more of ordinary LWV.

7. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back solar plexus chakra, the liver, and the front and back spleen chakra. Energize with LWG then with ordinary LWV. The spleen has to be energized with caution.

8. Localized thorough sweeping on the lower abdominal area, the navel chakra, sex chakra and basic chakra. Energize the chakras with W.

9. Stabilize and release projected pranic energy.

10. Repeat treatment 3 times per week for as long as necessary.

11. Advise patient not to wash face with soap until after 8 hours fromtime of treatment. If needed, just wash face with plain water.

12. Drink sufficient amounts of fresh water.

13. Eat a healthy nutritionally balanced diet with plenty of fresh green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits regularly. Avoid greasy or oily food; limit intake of carbonated drinks, pastries and sugar.

14. Maintain medically prescribed weight through proper diet and regular physical exerise.

15.Regular meditation on Twin Hearts.

Source materials for all MCKS Pranic Healing protocols are exclusively from the following books by Master Choa Kok Sui:
Miracles Through Pranic Healing, Advanced Pranic Healing, Pranic Psychotherapy and Pranic Crystal Healing.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

When I Leave, Do I Leave?

Posted by: "j_dandass" anewlife.clinic@gmail.com j_dandass
Wed Aug 1, 2007 9:11 am (PST)

When I Leave Do I Leave?
(Master Choa Kok Sui's Conversation with a Disciple)

It was a time, when my Spiritual Teacher, Master Choa Kok Sui, the
one I have loved most and followed in this lifetime, took in some of
the negative karma of his disciples unto his body. I saw him then as
a man whose weight of the world was heavy on his shoulder.

I was afraid for him and my heart was listless.

As usual, that afternoon, he walked and as usual I followed one step
behind him.

"What is bothering you?" he asked me.

I dare not ask the question, but he prodded me. I then asked "When
you leave Master, what will become of me?"

He took a deep pause, and rephrased my question.

"When I leave, do I leave?"

He noticed tears are about to swell in my eyes.

"Take heart. Pull back your tears," he reproached me gently.

"Look at me.

You cry and your heart is heavy for you think I will leave you?

I will never leave you. We have a covenant to serve together. Do
you remember?"

He waved his hand and commanded.

"Still your mind. And let there be peace in your heart."

"Look in front of your life. My essence is in the many books I have
made you read, study and learn. My thoughts are there. They are not
ordinary thoughts but ideas of great power for my true essences are
there. These ideas will outlive many. And those who have studied my
ever-living principles will remember them again when they come in the
futurity of time.

Know that I have left myself in the teachings I have shared with
you. My life is in the books you cradle. My love and friendship is
in the happy memories we shared. My heart is there - in the many
moments we laughed and served. Forget this not.

Now, let me ask you a question.

You have walked with me but have you really known me?

How have you known me in your life?

Yes, as a Spiritual Teacher and Master Healer? An Arhatic Yogi? A
Visionary? A Wish Fulfiller? Or a Friend?

Let me tell you something," and he touched my back heart like a
gentle pause. My heart swooned with sweet bliss.

"I am more than you can imagine, for like all spiritual teachers, I
am a bearer of many great spiritual secrets.

Today, that your heart will be lighter, let me share with you a
secret that you may no longer be lonely.

This secret I have revealed to some of my disciples. And to those
who have ears: let their hearts discern the truth.

The Master Choa Kok Sui that you know of is an initiate of High
Order. I came to raise myself up a degree higher and years back, I
was able to do so.

The secret lies in the higher levels of Arhatic Yoga of which I
practice. This is one reason why my Great Teacher Lord Boddhisatva
Mei Ling is an immortal.

Listen and listen carefully and remember my words for they are true.

The Physical Spiritual Teacher or Sat Guru does not leave. He is
always there.

His embodiment is a choice. My embodiment is a personal choice. It
is a shell that the Spiritual Teacher and Sat Guru willingly leaves
when he meditates. I leave my body when I come unto my Silence and
go where you cannot come. With closed or opened eyes, I can leave my
body at will. It is a choice for me to leave and come.

The physical body is a vehicle of service. It is just one of the
bodies I use to serve. But I AM not the body. Have I not taught you
this? You are not your body. You are a Soul and Spirit.


Like all Physical Spiritual Teachers and Sat Gurus, when they drop
their body of illusion, their Presence becomes more powerful than

It is because the physical body is a limitation though it is a
vehicle taken so that men will understand.

The life of the Physical Spiritual Teacher and Sat Guru is ever
continuous, with or without form.

My powers are great though embodied in form yet they are greater when
this Soul is not in physical embodiment.

I can be anywhere with the speed of thought.

My influences are far reaching, deeper and more penetrating more than

My Spiritual Essence is freer to do its purpose.

And remember this too, and remember this well:

Like in the physical form, I overshadow many disciples and students
at the same time. Yet I can overshadow many of my incarnated and non-
incarnated disciples and workers more, when the embodiment is not
there, for the physical veil is gone.

I give Higher Teachings to many in and out of the body. My Love is
encompassing. It is inclusive and not exclusive to just one.

Remember this: the Soul of the Physical Spiritual Teacher and Sat
Guru leaves the body at will even when in physical incarnation. He
comes back to it because it is his choice.

Have I not been with you in your many nightly sojourns? Have I not
appeared to many in my body form? Have I not answered others in
their pleadings for help though I am not there in body? How many
have seen me in their meditations? Did not blessings come when one
sincerely ask for it? How many have received healings with a whisper
of the Name. It comes to one and it comes to many.

You must believe.

I will always be there for you. I will always be there for those who
sincerely ask for my help and for my Teachings.

A Physical Spiritual Teacher or Sat Guru teaches for it is one of His
Service. He heals because of His love. He brings Light because he
wants men to come into the Greater Love.

I have overshadowed many and it will continue to be so. Embodied or
not. My Presence will always be there. If you love learning,
knowledge will always be there for you.

I know you love learning. Then it will come to you and for many
others as well. It is not only for one person.

And listen to this too: I have many others disciples you have not
met. My Shakti is not diminished when shared by many and is not
lessened by Time.

Thus remember and do these: Persevere to keep my Teachings in your
Heart. Share it with purity and show it with your life. Continue my
work. This is my Decree to you.

Transform yourself into a better human being.

Be honorable. And forget not the virtues. You must practice and

And he made me promise that afternoon: that I will keep to his
Teachings and persevere.

And walk His Path a bit longer.

The way he did…..


This fascinating and beautiful account of a disciple's conversation
with GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui is presented to all Pranic Healers and
Arhatic Yoga practitioners by the 2007 All Gratitude Project and the
MCKS Charitable Foundation as we approach the Founder's Day - Master
Choa Kok Sui's Day - on August 15, 2007.

Master Choa Kok Sui's Day (Founder's Day) will be celebrated by
numerous Pranic Healing Centers, Institutes and Foundations
throughout the whole world.

More announcements will be forthcoming.

Atma Namaste to All -

Master Daphne Bigcas
Executive Director
MCKS Charitable Foundation

Master Glenn Mendoza, M.D
2007 All Gratitude Project

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

My First Visit to Karuna Wellness...

MCKS Karuna Wellness Center is tucked away in a quiet, green corner of Defence Colony. My driver, a gentle man from Darjeeling, took me straight there as if he had been there a million times, chuckling that Defence Colony is full of people from his village! That was the first sign that I may be comfortable at Karuna Wellness, else I often get agitated hunting for new locations.

I climbed down the clean steps to the center, and the whiff of positive energy that filled me as I opened the doors was overwhelming! Gentle music filled the room, incense (initially a bit strong, but then I got used to it) and beautiful pictures of Master were on the walls. On one side were some chairs, pranic healing books to sell, and a few people browsing through the books as they waited for their turn to heal. In an alcove towards the side, was the healing corner and Ajay Pal sat there, healing a man in his 30s. The overall feeling I received in the room was on of peace, of tranquility and a feeling of coming home!

I waited over an hour to see Ajay as he finished his appointments. In that time, I wandered around the room, sat in front of Master's picture and received his love and blessings, and was amazed at how my fingers were pulsing with prana. Either this room is a highly charged room for healing, or I was super receptive. I sat, happy, in a trance, and meditated.

When I finally spoke with Ajay, and he scanned me, he told me all that was expected of me as a Chapter member and a teaching apprentice... he could have got me to agree to walk on the moon, and I would have said, Okay!

I floated out of the Karuna Wellness Center... happy, healed, light, and inspired to start on my professional healing and teaching journey. What a lovely way to begin August, the month of our Master's birthday!

Sewa vs. Business: The Dichotomy of Doing Business in the Holistic World!

Today I have woken up fresh and happy and excited. Today is the first day of my first public yoga class... While my only aim in life now is to help others heal through yoga, understanding their own bodies, and healing through understanding food and lifestyle, sadly many other issues cloud my mind!

The rent of the yoga studio, first of all. I mean, if I have to pay so much, how can I keep my classes open to all? And people say, do yoga in a garden, but we cannot meditate with flies and mosquitoes buzzing around our ears—we in Delhi are not that yogic yet and we can't sit through a humid sweaty morning with flies landing on our mouths as we hum our Bhramri pranayamas!

The cost of advertising and promotion. This one is hard, as it is really needed, so people know you are out there and teaching, but takes so much time and effort!

The agitated minds of my students. So many people call when they see my write up or poster, and such few follow through. The time is too early (hello, 7:45 am must be early only in Delhi!), it's too far, blah blah blah... As with everything I do, I visualise my pink heart, and tell myself I am ready and available for them, they will come to me when their minds and bodies allow them to.

So, is there a yoga teacher who has found out the answer to some of my worries this morning? Enlighten me!

Monday, July 30, 2007

An inspiration: Ajay Pal!

In my quest to find a teacher to apprentice under, I called Ajay Pal yesterday. Now, I have only met Ajay once, at the Life Positive expo held 2 years in Delhi. But he had made an impression on me, and I sensed a connection of kindred spirits, or maybe something else? So, a little hesitatingly, I call Ajay... will he even remember me, we met 2 years ago?

To my surprise, he answered his phone with a cheerful Hello Jhilmil! We talked a bit, I was in the middle of grocery shopping and in crowded Munirka market, and he was in the middle of his life's Mission: healing! He realised my need and said gently, why not call around 7:30, we can chat more then...

We did chat later last night, and he shared a little bit about his centers in GKII and Defence Colony, see link on Karuna Wellness. He sternly said he will scan me to check whether I can scan, teach and heal, before he spends or "wastes?" time on me. And that is what I wanted. A dedicated teacher, just like I want to be a dedicated apprentice!

Off to MCKS Karuna Wellness tomorrow to check it out and yikes, be scanned, by Ajay... who knows what demons in will find hidden in my chakras?

So, to all you teachers and aspiring teachers out there, find an inspiration. Be like an old fashioned disciple in a hermitage, and put in your hours of service. Keep all your senses and chakras open, and when you're ready, the students will find you!

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Launched yesterday, on Guru Purnima, in the wonderful energies of the Full Moon, Ek Mutthi Anaaj is a wonderfully simple idea dating back to the days of our forefathers. In the past, every day when a householder cooked food, they would put one fistful (mutthi) aside to give as alms to the poor, needy, or sadhus. Today, in the hustle and bustle of life, we've forgotten this, though each time we see a hungry child begging, or an underage child working, or a family sleeping hungry on the footpath, we wish we could do something!

Ek Mutthi Anaaj is a simple concept, and its beauty lies in its simplicity! Each morning, before each of us leave home for the day, just reach in and take one fistful of rice and put it in the bucket. At the end of the month, a representative of the foundation will come to your home and empty the bucket. Easy? Do-able? Of course!!!

The MCKS Food For The Hungry Foundation, India was set up in 2004 to realise our Master Choa Kok Sui's vision of a hunger free world. The FFH Foundation is a non profit relief and development oganization. For more details on this foundation, and their work, please visit www.mcksffh.org or call 4652 3905 or email mcksffh@gmail.com or contact pranic healer and mother of 4 boys who are super excited about joining this drive, Jhilmil Breckenridge, at jsbreckenridge@mac.com.

Thanks for opening up your eyes, heart and fistfuls... Contact Jhilmil or the foundation if you want a bucket and want to join this drive!

Jhilmil Breckenridge
98186 88388

Guru Poornima, Sunday, July 29, 2007

Wow! Acharya Daphne gave an emotional and from the heart talk about her times in Master's presence, about who are the heirs to Master, etc.

We are the spiritual heirs! As teachers, we need to shoulder the responsibilty in an even more one pointed fashion, and carry on thw work of the Guru.

It was an inspiring talk, followed by a beautiful meditation. The energies of the full moon made it special, though the room was over crowded, hot and stuffy and I felt faint a coule of times. The chaat party following it was a fun way to meet old friends and fellow pranic healers. I had an enjoyable talk with Ameen, a young man who I had met at a Dynamic Osho meditation, a lawyer and a friend of Sharma Uncle, the dynamic and learned Brajesh Sharma, who had sat by my side through the TTC...

And then, armed with my bucket (new program launched called Ek Muthi Anaaj), and it was pink (and Anita Nawani smiled at my pleasure, and laughingly commented on my over large heart chakra!!), I happily drove home...

Friday, July 27, 2007

TTC Delhi July 07

Hurray! We did it! 21 of us, from all over Northern India, participated and completed a Teachers Training Course held at the Pranic Healing Foundation, New Delhi.

The facilitator was Acharya Daphne, and she was loving, inspirational and had a wealth of knowledge.

The hecklers in the class, lovingly, were Anita and Dr. Rahul. Kudos to them to helping us learn what a real class may be like in the future.

But for me, Ray 2 type, Jhilmil, my classes will be handled from the heart, with LOVE!

Enjoy staying in touch through this blog, and Atma Namaste!
