Wow! Acharya Daphne gave an emotional and from the heart talk about her times in Master's presence, about who are the heirs to Master, etc.
We are the spiritual heirs! As teachers, we need to shoulder the responsibilty in an even more one pointed fashion, and carry on thw work of the Guru.
It was an inspiring talk, followed by a beautiful meditation. The energies of the full moon made it special, though the room was over crowded, hot and stuffy and I felt faint a coule of times. The chaat party following it was a fun way to meet old friends and fellow pranic healers. I had an enjoyable talk with Ameen, a young man who I had met at a Dynamic Osho meditation, a lawyer and a friend of Sharma Uncle, the dynamic and learned Brajesh Sharma, who had sat by my side through the TTC...
And then, armed with my bucket (new program launched called Ek Muthi Anaaj), and it was pink (and Anita Nawani smiled at my pleasure, and laughingly commented on my over large heart chakra!!), I happily drove home...
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