Saturday, August 4, 2007

Hair Fall & Baldness

This treatment is preferably applied after washing the hair with room temperature water and mild shampoo.

Pranic Healing Protocol for Hair Fall & Baldness:

1. Invoke and scan before, during and after treatment.

2. General sweeping.

3. Localized thorough sweeping and energizing on the crown, ajna, forehead, back head and throat chakras with LEV.

4. Localized thorough sweeping on the entire head and neck alternately with LWG and ordinary LWV. Energize the scalp with LWR(95%) then with gold (5%).

5. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back heart chakra. Energize the heart chakra through the back heart chakra with LWG then with more of ordinary LWV.

6. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back solar plexus chakra with EV. Energize the solar plexus chakra with EV. If the solar plexus is overactivated, inhibit it with LB.

7. Localized thorough sweeping on the navel, sex, meng mein and basic chakras. Energize the navel, sex and basic chakras with LWR.

8. Rescan the major chakras. Reapply treatment until all the chakras are clean and balanced.

NOTE: The meng mein chakra should be only 1/2 to 2/3 the size of the other major chakras.

9. Stabilize and release projected pranic energy.

10. Repeat treatment 3 times per week.

For patient:

11. Keep your hair clean. Gently wash hair with mild shampoo and room temperature water, never with warm or hot water. During warm weather, wash your hair 4 to 7 times per week. During cool weather, wash hair at least 4 times per week to avoid build up of disease causing scalp oil and dead skin.

12. Eat nutritionally balanced healthy diet. Consult your physician for recommendations for vitamin and mineral supplements for your particular needs.

13. Practice the Meditation on Twin Hearts regularly to relieve stress and raise the energy level.

14. Regular physical exercise to build up the physical and energy bodies and relieve stress.

Source materials for all MCKS Pranic Healing protocols are exclusively from the following books by Master Choa Kok Sui:
Miracles Through Pranic Healing, Advanced Pranic Healing, Pranic Psychotherapy and Pranic Crystal Healing.


Pranic healer said...

Can you continue writing on this blog?

Pranic healer said...

Can you continue writing on this blog?

Pranic healer said...

Can you continue writing on this blog?

Unknown said...

hi, may i ask what does it mean to energize with 95% red and 5% yellow.

does it mean when energizing with red its 95%red 5% white and when energizing with yellow its 5% yellow 95 % white?

thank you

cuckoo said...

Protocol should be followed for how many days in week?

cuckoo said...

Protocol should be followed for how many days in week?

Unknown said...

Hello guies healing to be done by pranic healer only they will understand the details of protocol

sweetsister said...

Can you let us know what the improvements are like after following this protocol?

Unknown said...

My son is 4 years old his diagnosed with alopecia can this protocol be used

Nikhileswari.s said...

Alopecia you can use this protocol,sweet sister improvements can be seen ,mr unknown are you a pranic healer?

Unknown said...

Dear writer, I am a Pranic Healer and in the advanced PH book it is mentioned to use 5% yellow and not gold. How come it is said gold here? Also important to mentioned that red en yellow should be used separately and never together.

pythontopoetry said...

95% red and 5% yello/gold means -let say 5 breathing cycle for red and 1 breathing cycle for yellow/orange (while energizing )

Tips : energize your comb with EV (electric violet) with the intention of health hair while combing, keep cleaning (sweeping) the comb and energizing once in 2-3 days.